Monday, March 3, 2008


Thought for the day as seen on a t-shirt:

P – People
E – Everywhere
A – All
C – Caring for
E – Each other

This is my view from the window in my studio. That’s a storm water runoff to the left, though I like to pretend it’s a stream. It does have small fish, some very loud frogs and an occasional heron or two sometimes visits. Though it already feels like I’m working in a tree house, I told my hub (David) that I want to hire a carpenter to tear out the window and put in a small balcony with French doors that I can open up when the weather is cool – which is usually only a few weeks here in Texas. But, a girl can dream can’t she?

My rat terrier, Buster, likes to get up on my table and look out the window to his “kingdom.”

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